More Than Money
Issue #7
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Money and Spirit

Table of Contents

“Gathering Stories”

Because people rarely share their personal money stories, it can be quite an adventure to gather the vignettes for More than Money. We often interview several dozen people for each issue, as we don't know in advance whose stories will be most potent. We synthesize a 30-60 minute discussion into a vignette, review it word-by-word with the interviewee, and revise it until he or she gives approval. We do the same for submissions.

Even with this careful process many people feel keenly vulnerable sharing their stories. Compared to the fluid process of living, words are stark and static; a vignette is like cutting out a single frame from a motion picture. "Is this really me? Will others judge me? Can I change my mind and feelings even if this is in print?" Even under complete anonymity, some people cannot shake these feelings and they decide not to print their story. Those who go ahead often feel strengthened by having a chance to reflect on their experience, by making their personal struggles and insights useful to others, and by the very act of breaking the silence about money.

We don't expect you to like or agree with all the viewpoints here--we don't--but we ask you to treat each story tenderly as a gift from the heart, sometimes offered with trepidation, and always with courage. .

© 1990-2005, More Than Money, All rights reserved