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“Resources - Organizations”
The Center for Living Democracy:
An educa-tion service
that prepares people to make democ-racy a rewarding,
practical, everyday part of their lives. Their Interracial
Democracy Program assists interracial dialogue initiatives
nationwide; the Living Democracy Learning Center offers workshops
and publishes a catalog of books on citizen action;
and the American News Service offers solution-oriented
news about public participation.
P.O. Box 8187
Brattleboro, VT 05304- 8187
Funding Exchange:
A national network
of alternative community foundations that support grassroots
organizing. FEX also provides activist donor committees,
educational programs for people with wealth, donor-advised
accounts, and an international working group.
Broadway, #500
NY 10012
Calvert Foundation's Community Invest-ment
An Internet site that profiles over 30 groups around the
country and the world which accept direct investments
or loans from individuals to support community development
loan programs. The database can be searched by geography
or interest categories and offers three levels of information.
Youth on Board:
A national organization
offering training and consulting to empower young people
to take leadership on nonprofit boards.
Day St., 3rd Floor
Somerville, MA 02144
The Green Money Journal:
Reports on socially
responsible investing. Includes a mutual fund performance
chart, calendar of events, web sites, and information
about their book Investing
with Your Values.
608 West Glass Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205
Hope Magazine:
Covering individuals
and organiza-tions who are
working to make the world a better place and encouraging
a greater sense of possibility. A wonderful antidote
to pessimism.
Brooklin, ME 04616
Who Cares:
A bimonthly with information
to help people create, manage, and grow organizations
for the common good. Subscriptions
are free to U.S. subscribers.
1436 U. Street, NW #201
Washington, DC 20009
Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction
in a Cynical Time
by Paul Rogat Loeb. Moving stories of Ameri-cans
who have found fulfillment through social involvement.
Powerful lessons on how to move from frustrated passivity
to effective civic participa-tion. (New York: St. Martin's,
100 Jobs in Social Change
by Harley Jebens.
High-lights the corporate, nonprofit, and free-lance
opportunities available for contributing to social change.
(New York: Macmillan, 1996.)
Healing Into Action: A Leadership Guide
for Creating Diverse Communities
by Cherie Brown and
George Mazza. Practical guide for creating alliances
in any organization or community across racial, cultural,
and class lines. (Washington, DC: National Coali-tion
Building Institute, 1997.)
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